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     In Loving Memory of my Mother,Sheila
     & her Fiancé Jason  


On 12/31 my mother had emergency open brain surgery due to them finding a large mass on the left frontal lobe of her brain & severe brain swelling. The surgery was a success, they were able to remove it, It was a large tumor. On 1/12 we found out she had the most aggressive stage 4 brain cancer. And it wasn't just 1 tumor. There were 3 but they could only remove 1. They gave her 12-18 months to live with radiation & chemo. She had also survived sepsis in June/July 2024. Prior to that she was healthy, no major health problems. Even with her cancer diagnosis, she was always in good spirits & positive. I thought we would have even just a little bit of time to prepare for her end of life. Tragically on February 20, 2025. She had an appointment with the radiation oncologist to finally get her scans & radiation mask fitted a few hours away from home. Jason & her were on their way home from the appt when another car ran them off of the interstate & they flipped. My Mother & Jason both lost their livesOur family is in no way prepared for this. I am reaching out for help for her end of life costs. Nothing prepares you for sudden loss. I am hoping & praying by the grace of God that we can pull together & give her the service she deserves. They both were truly amazing beautiful souls. Anything at all will help. Thank you in Advance & thank you for your continued prayers in all of this. 

- God Bless, Deanna

     aka LadyDiablo 

You Can Donate with any of the Options I have up. I did not want               to use GoFundMe because they take part of the money

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    I would love it if you said Hi              sometime! Also..lets game!
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